“There are more than 11 million reasons to visit Cuba – its people! Cubans are welcoming, proud, resilient, gracious, industrious, and always happy to share a story with a visitor. Cuba’s people are its greatest asset and the most fascinating part of this complex island nation.” Santa Fe Photographic Workshops.
I’ve been to Cuba three times in the past three years. Clearly, I—along with SFW with whom I’ve always traveled—adore this country and its people. I hope that my images might inspire you to do the same once this crazy virus is under control.
Cuba is an island that assaults the senses. Travel to this Caribbean island is like stepping back in time.
CLASSIC CARS: Nowhere on earth has such a dazzling collection of classic American cars as on the streets of Havana. Talk to the drivers and hear about all the tricks they’ve come up with throughout the years to keep the cars rolling, without access to the original spare parts.
DANCE: Havana hosts one of the most prominent ballet companies in the world. Dance is central to the cultural life of Cuba. It is as unique as the music that accompanies it. Blending elements of Spanish and African origin, both are woven into the fabric of everyday life.
ARCHITECTURE: Old Havana boasts one of the most impressive ensembles of historic architecture in the Americas. From baroque to art deco, neoclassical to art nouveau, the district’s rainbow facades highlight Cuba’s diverse cultural heritage.
CIGARS: In a word, legendary. Rolling stogies was an art form passed down through generations. Like wine, the flavor of a cigar depends on the soil the tobacco plant is grown in. Only a Cuban cigar tastes like a Cuban cigar.
RUM: It’s also considered among the best in the world. Not surprising from the country that gave us the Daiquiri, Mojito, and Cuba Libre.
ITS PEOPLE: if you bring an open heart and a curious mind, you’re in for many lovely conversations.

Photography: Lois Anderson / Video Production: Mariya Anderson
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